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toaster dev

A member registered Jan 22, 2021

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I'm making a game and am struggling with coding skins how did you code the skins in grapshot  btw your videos are great :)

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omg i didnt know your a youtuber

 i subed to you :)

amazing game i loved it the controles felt good  i rated it 5 stars great gob, btw how long have you bin making games because you sead this was your first game jame game so anyways i loved it and had a great experience thank you :)

amazing its just a bit too hard

realy cool

nice game

realy cool

what are your newer games ill check them out

amazing game nice work

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how do you get throu the first jump i got it and this game is so fun

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i would love to join i im a beginner and im ok at pixel art, its ok if not

cool game

realy cool game but the enemys stop spawning at one point and there is no boss

but i was realy amazed by this ill probably buy one of the blackThornProd udemy courses.

but the game realy is amazing!!!!

good game nice job